Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bad to Good (December 2010)

From December 29, 2010

Today started out a very bad day .... I attempted to call my son, Alex, who as I suspected didn't take my call.  I left a message.  I then called his father to find out what was going on only to find out that Alex was with him.  I asked him to hand the phone to Alex, but he refused.  At that point I knew something was going on...
To make a long story short, Rob was my hero today -- he came over and fixed my dryer, and chopped a huge amount of wood for us so it would be burnable in the fireplace.  He has done so many things for me and my family I really don't know where I would be without him.
In the evening I tried to call Alex again -- same story as the morning... called his dad and basically was told that Alex is very angry with me and pretty much blames me for everything, stating that I did the wrong thing, over and over again.
I was having a hard time with this because the reality is not what Alex has seen.  My kids have been sheltered from a good portion of what was really going on.  Needless to say, I was very upset and got in the van to "run" -- try to think things out as I drove, to clear my head.
As I drove, I saw through my tears O'Rion's belt in the sky and suddenly things seemed better.  I ended up at Rob's house where we talked about it and he gave me some good advice, which I will heed.  Simply send Alex a note stating that I understand he is angry with me and that I will give him his space.  I know Alex will not answer at all, but at least he will know that I am trying to do something good for a change.
It is so nice to have another adult to bounce ideas off of and who actually responds in a helpful and respectful manner.  I went home much happier than I arrived....
...and O'Rion's belt is shimmering boldly outside my door as well.

O'Rion outside my door

  ...Two Benadryl for the hives popping up all over me, and hopefully a good night's rest.  Thank you to my understanding children who put up with my bouts of depression and anxiety, and forever to Rob who has been my rock and moral support for many months now.
...And Shelby, my firstborn, I am so proud that a publisher wants to see more of your book!!  Many wishes for a success are coming your way!

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