Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pseudo-Happiness (November 2010)

From November 29, 2010

What is pseudo-happiness?  It is a word I made up for a false happiness -- whether intentionally contrived or not. 

Examples of pseudo-happiness include: putting on a brave face when we really don't feel like it; putting on a smile when we are dealing with inner turmoil which we don't wish to share with others; or allowing ourselves to feel what we think is happiness when in reality we are just fooling ourselves. 

I am a pro at pseudo-happiness.  I have fooled so many people for so many years that they were utterly shocked and even disbelieving when I told them what was truly my reality.  To this day, even after all that has happened, some people that were close to me still have a hard time believing it. 

I no longer care whether they believe it or not.  What is true is true, and there is nothing I can do to prove anything either way.

I have so many misgivings about so many aspects of my life right now, I am living the definition of the ultimate pseudo-happiness.

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