Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello! (November 2010)

From November 11, 2010

Hello Life,

This past month has been very rough.  I've been a bit stressed out with one thing happening after the other, and experiencing some weird things with my heart, particularly this past week.  Tonight will mark my 7th day of no clonazepam-- marking my first week off of it, and ironically these past couple days were the worst for heart palpitations.  I carried around the pill bottle with me today "just in case" I needed it to calm myself down.

I'm getting a little desperate for work here... tomorrow begins the round of call-backs -- everywhere I have applied for work.  I don't have much time left until Ellie's birthday, until Christmas, and until school starts for me in January.  Monday I will call SVC and set up my registration for classes and financial aid.

Well Life, it has been interesting, frustrating, and challenging to say the least.  At some point I will have things under control again, but for now, I need continual emotional support every step of the way.  Don't give up on me.

Yours truly,

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