Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Daily Rant (November 2009)

From Nov. 13, 2009

OK, things are getting scarier. In this past year, stress has increased all across the country. Violent crimes have skyrocketed, smoking has increased, official unemployment rate is the highest its been in close to 30 years and if you include the “unofficial” unemployment rate, it is almost 17% which is the highest rate since the Great Depression in 1929.

Hasn’t anyone noticed that the more the government takes control of everything, the meaner and nastier people become? Kind of reminds me of the ‘bitter’ people of the old USSR—people were thought to be meaner because there was no incentive to do better (why bother?). Everything is falling apart—even the medical profession was in the news today—apparently it takes longer and longer to be seen in an ER these days because so many people don’t have access to a “primary care provider” (translation: regular doctor)---- hmmmm… sound familiar? I guess I’m one of those. I don’t have a doctor because my family doctor of 10 years dumped me when we became a healthier family. Because no one would see me, I ended up in the ER two weeks ago…. What does that say? And the government is about to take over health care next.

On top of that, the “government” has seized all Muslim mosques and properties as well—that ought to make the Muslim community real happy. It is said that it is only for those with ties to Iran. I think most, if not all, have some kind of tie (familial) to Iran or the middle east somewhere. Where does the government think the Muslim religion came from? It didn’t originate in America! To me, this is paramount with herding all the Japanese together into internment camps during WWII. Why don’t we just do the same for people of middle-eastern descent? (Kidding, of course.)

OK, that is my rant for today.

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